Marisa Chenery Page 9
“Maybe if we talked about it.”
“No. I can’t. Please go.”
He gave her a silent nod, turned on his heel and walked out the front door. Alexis brushed away the single tear that fell as she thought all of her hopes and dreams of a life with him walked out the door with Konner.
* * * * *
Two days passed after the episode with the demon and Alexis was sure her parents thought she’d lost her mind. Every time they brought up the subject of Konner and asked why he hadn’t been around, she just about lost it. She had to run to her bedroom to hide the tears that fell. It wasn’t as if she could talk to her parents about Konner. They had absolutely no memory of the demon, or even of Alexis coming home upset that night she’d seen Konner shift for the first time.
No, Alexis was left all alone with her memories and what she had become. She was as immortal as Konner had said. She’d tested it out by cutting herself with one of the kitchen knives when her parents had gone shopping. The wound had healed within seconds as if it had never been, which meant she truly was Konner’s mate.
The big question was if she could handle him being one of Anubis’ warriors. His vow was for eternity so it wasn’t as if he could just up and quit like a regular job.
She loved him, that hadn’t changed. She just had to decide if she loved him enough to give up her parents and everyone else in her life when the time came when she could no longer hide that she wasn’t aging.
Once again alone, sitting at her computer, trying to work, Alexis found herself going through the same internal arguments about Konner. This time she really forced herself to think what her life would be like without him. And that she’d live forever alone. There would be no one else to take his place.
That’s when it hit her that she couldn’t live that way.
The thought of never seeing Konner again made her heart skip a beat. He was the only man she could picture herself living her immortal life with. The future looked bleak without him.
Wiping away what she hoped would be the last tears shed over Konner, Alexis stood and walked out of the house with a determined stride. She had to get her man back and do some apologizing while she was at it.
* * * * *
Konner was in a worse funk than before he’d met Alexis. He missed her so much he hurt with it. He roamed his house and Chicago’s streets at night like a lost soul. Video games and hunting evildoers wasn’t enough to distract him from his heartache.
He’d lost the one woman meant for him, his mate.
Even though he wanted nothing more than to go to her house and demand she take him back, he wouldn’t do it.
She was the one who would make the decision if they were to stay together or not. He’d already taken away one choice from her. He wouldn’t do it a second time.
Needing to talk to somebody, Konner headed for his temple dedicated to Anubis. He hadn’t spoken to the god in a few days. He just made his offerings, then left to wallow in his misery.
I’m here, Konner.
“I thought I’d check to see if I’d have to worry about any more demons popping up when I least expect them.”
That will no longer be a problem. The demon you sent to me was the last who had escaped from the underworld. You and the rest of my warriors won’t be bothered by them again.
Have you gone to your mate?
“No. I don’t think she wants anything to do with me.”
Don’t give up on her yet, Konner. She’ll come around. She loves you, as you love her. It was meant to be. She just needs time to realize that.
“I know Alexis loves me, at least I hope she still does, but I don’t think that’s going to be enough.” Have faith. She’ll return to you.
“I’d like to, but—”
The doorbell rang right then, and kept ringing as if someone wanted to set a world record on the number of times they could press it.
Feeling Anubis’ presence leave, Konner rushed to the front door with a scowl on his face. If it turned out to be a kid playing a joke, he’d give him a stern talking to.
He yanked open the door before he let out an oomph as the last person he expected to find threw herself into his arms.
Konner barely had enough time to step back and slam the door closed before Alexis pulled down his head and kissed him, telling him how much she couldn’t live without him in between kisses.
Happy to have her in his arms again, he kissed her back with all the longing that had built up inside him for the last two days. He cradled her close in his arms and ran up the stairs with her to his bedroom.
Clothes went flying every which way as they struggled to get each other naked. Once they were, Konner picked Alexis up again and placed her on the middle of his bed. He followed her down, touching and kissing her soft skin. He cupped her breasts and sucked on each nipple until he had her gasping and squirming beneath him. Wanting to make sure she was ready for him, he caressed a hand down to her pussy and stroked her there. She was wet. He easily pushed one finger and then a second inside her, pumping them in and out.
Alexis reached between them and fisted his cock.
“No more foreplay, Konner. I have to have you inside me. Now.”
“There’s no place I’d rather be,” he said on a groan as Alexis slid her hand up and down his shaft.
He pulled his fingers out of her welcoming body and shifted into position. With a few strokes, he sank to the hilt. Being inside his mate again, he knew this wouldn’t be a long joining. He wanted her too much. In and out he plunged. Alexis lifted her hips to match each of his strokes, her keening moans loud in his ears, pushing him closer and closer to release.
Alexis’ pussy clutched his cock as she climaxed, squeezing him in a tight fist. Konner groaned, thrust into her one final time, then stiffened above her as an intense orgasm tore through him. After it was over, he rolled to his back, taking Alexis with him. She lay on top of him, breathing as heavily as he.
“I’m sorry I pepper sprayed you and sent you away,” Alexis said once she’d caught her breath.
He chuckled. “I’m sorry I scared you enough that you felt as if you had to do it.” Konner locked his gaze on to hers. “All that matters now is that you’re here. I do love you, my mate.”
“I love you too. I’m going to need some time to adjust to this new world you’ve brought me into, but in the end I’ll have a warrior to love.”
Konner kissed her then and poured all the love he had for her into it.
Once he pulled away, she asked, “When did you become a warrior of Anubis?”
“It was during the First World War. I was part of the Australian and New Zealand troops and was wounded at Gallipoli and near death when Anubis answered my call.”
She smiled. “I guess you really did grow up before computers were invented, after all.”
“I told you I was too old to learn.”
With one last kiss, Alexis smiled. “I still have a ton of questions to ask you, my warrior, but they can wait. I now have an eternity to have them answered and a bright future with you at my side.”
The End
About the Author
Marisa Chenery was always a lover of books, but after reading her first historical romance novel she found herself hooked. Having inherited a love for the written word, she soon started writing her own novels.
After trying her hand at writing historicals, she now writes paranormals.
Marisa lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and four children. She would love to hear from you, so drop her an email.
Marisa welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her author bio page at
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Also by Marisa Chenery
Goddess Revealed 1: Bast’s Perfume
Goddess Revealed 2: Love’s Fiery Arrow
Goddess Revealed 3: The Goddess’ Girdle
Goddess Revealed 4: His Sea Goddess
Oh Canada!/Big City Pack 1: The Canuck Werewolf Oh Canada!/Big City Pack 2: A Werewolf at the Falls Oh Canada!/Big City Pack 3: Werewolf’s Treasure Oh Canada!/Big City Pack 4: Werewolf Claimed Oh Canada!/Big City Pack 5: Loved by a Werewolf Ra’s Chosen 1: Soul Hunger
Ra’s Chosen 2: Mate Hunger
Ra’s Chosen 3: Longed-For Hunger
Ra’s Chosen 4: Embrace the Hunger
Ra’s Chosen 5: Reincarnated Hunger
Ra’s Chosen 6: Foreseen Hunger
Ra’s Chosen 7: Ra’s Hunger
Touched by a Gladiator
Warrior Hunger 1: Embraced by a Warrior
Warrior Hunger 2: Her Eternal Warrior
Warrior Hunger 3: Warrior’s Surrender
Print Books by Marisa Chenery
Big City Pack anthology
Ellora’s Cave Publishing
A Warrior to Love
ISBN 9781419939853
A Warrior to Love Copyright © 2012 Marisa Chenery Edited by Grace Bradley
Photo and cover design by Syneca
Model: Nick
Electronic book publication August 2012
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